The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) forms the basis of our programming at Voyage Education.

The Framework recognises that early childhood is a vital period in children’s learning and development. EYLF embodies the idea of ‘belonging, being and becoming’:The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) forms the basis of our programming at Voyage Education.

The Framework recognises that early childhood is a vital period in children’s learning and development. EYLF embodies the idea of ‘belonging, being and becoming’:


‘Belonging’ is all about children’s relationships with the people and communities around them. Children belong first to a family, a cultural group, a neighbourhood and wider community.

This sense of belonging forms the basis of a child’s sense of identity. At Voyage Education, this requires our staff to recognise and integrate the uniqueness of each community into the centre’s daily practices. It also means working with families to ensure children’s needs are met.



‘Being’ simply means allowing children to be children. It is about the present and children learning about themselves, engaging in all the experiences life has to offer and meeting everyday challenges. 

At Voyage Education, this means we help your children to:

  • Explore the world around them.

  • Take safe risks.

  • Make mistakes in order to learn valuable lessons.


‘Becoming’ focuses on children’s growth and development in these early years. 

It is these formative years in which children’s identities, knowledge, understandings, capacities, skills and relationships change and evolve depending on surrounding events and environments. 

In an early learning setting, this means providing a nurturing and stimulating environment that helps children learn about themselves and the world around them.


High-Quality Learning Experiences

The EYLF is designed to ensure all children, from birth to five years of age, receive high-quality learning experiences. At Voyage Education, we also extend this to our 6-year-olds who have not yet left our care.

The Framework, similar to the Reggio Emilia philosophy, places a strong emphasis on play-based learning. It aims to achieve five overall learning outcomes:

  1. Children have a strong sense of identity.

  2. Children are connected with and contribute to their world.

  3. Children have a strong sense of wellbeing.

  4. Children are confident and involved learners.

  5. Children are effective communicators.

The Benefits for Parents

Parents and children benefit from the EYLF through:

  • A greater number of educators to child ratios.

  • Increased quality time with each child.

  • Educators with increased qualifications and skills.

  • Better support for learning and development.

  • Transparent and consistent information on educators, providers and services.

Our aim is for all our centres to work towards exceeding the requirements of the EYLF.


How We Aim to Achieve our Goal Through Early Education Programs

We aim to offer every child a rich and unique learning experience that will give them the best possible start in life.

In the Nursery:
(6 weeks to 2 years)

Our nursery is focused on creating new experiences for our babies. Whether it’s feeding time or sleep time, those moments are opportunities to introduce new encounters in a safe and supportive environment.


For our Toddlers:
(2 to 3 years)

Rather than taming our toddlers, we encourage them to explore their world. Our safe and secure spaces are designed to encourage interaction and exploration.

We observe and record their behaviours and reactions. This allows us to and improve our early learning curriculum and develop a tailored plan for each individual child.

(3 to 5 years)

We see preschool as an opportunity to nurture a child’s view of learning. By using play-based learning we connect learning with fun. We also provide a Pre-Kindergarten / School Ready environment.

Our Educational programs have been written, reviewed and recommended by Primary Bachelor and Early Childhood teachers.

What Can Parents Do to Get Involved?

Underlying the principles of EYLF is the idea that learning success depends on educators working with families.

We welcome your input and discussion on your child’s development. 

Again, this ties in with the Reggio Emilia philosophy that encourages collaboration. For this reason, we observe, record and share information about your child. 

Our making learning visible program provides you with daily access to reports on your child’s early learning experiences. It also provides 2-way communication between you and our educators, so you can share with us the developments and milestones achieved outside of the classroom.

We encourage and welcome your feedback and contribution to your child’s learning outside of Voyage Education.